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February Member's Digest

Dear PALISI Investigators,

Please read the important updates and other announcements below.

  • PALISI Platform Trial

  • Room Block Update

  • Priority Registration Deadline

  • Late Breaking Agenda Items

  • Clinical Research Course

  • Fall Meeting Information Coming Soon

  • General PALISI Communication Reminders

PALISI Network


PALISI Platform Trial

Dear Colleagues,

The PALISI Platform trials group is excited to receive your proposal for a potential study to be conducted

within the platform.  We know that the timing has been difficult, so we are extending the deadline one

week from 1/31 to 2/7.

Please know that you/your group will retain ownership and leadership in managing your study using the

platform. The platform will only provide the venue for you to seek and manage your funding in a more

efficient manner; conduct your work collaboratively, productively, and concurrently with other

important PALISI pediatric critical care trials; analyze and publish your data along with support from the

platform statistical team. 

We acknowledge that the concept of a platform trial shifts the paradigm on how to do clinical research that is different from our typical single investigator-initiated initiatives and different from what you may have heard or anticipate. In the spirit of PALISI we hope that this will be a collective (N=X) not an N=1/few. Please reach out for any questions/concerns you may have. 

Please send your outline to Lou Ventura at by February 7, 2024. If that timing doesn’t work for you, please drop us a note with a timeframe that would work.

Our best,

Martha A.Q. Curley (

Roby Khemani (


PALISI Room Block Update

PALISI has successfully secured a secondary room block at the Hilton Garden Inn, conveniently located

just across the street from the Condado Plaza Hotel. The exclusive group rate for these rooms is $225

per night (exclusive of taxes and resort fees). It is important to note that availability is limited, and we

encourage all members in need of lodging to promptly book their accommodations at Any member requiring assistance with accommodations must contact by February 7th.


Priority Registration Deadline

Priority Registration Deadline for the Spring 2024 meeting is Thursday, February 1st. While registrations

submitted after this deadline are accepted, please be aware that they may result in potential delays

during check-in and in the receipt of critical meeting information. All registered attendees should have

received an email with the subject line [PALISI NETWORK] 2024 Spring Meeting Registration

Confirmation featuring an attached PDF ticket. This ticket will be required for entry into the in-person

and virtual meetings.

Please also note that February 1st is the final day to cancel your registration without incurring any

penalties. Should you have any inquiries or require assistance with Spring 2024 meeting registration,

please do not hesitate to contact us at


LATE Breaking Agenda Items

There may be some small opportunities for presentation on the main agenda if any “late-breaking”

items. Any “late breakers” will need to submit their requests through the website agenda request form,


Clinical Research Course- Limited Spaces Left!

Are you a junior investigator interested in developing your research skills from leading scientists in the

field of pediatric critical care? Join us for PALISI’s Clinical Research Course on February 28, 2024 from

8am-5pm. This one-day intensive workshop is designed to expose junior investigators to key

components of a research career and develop connections in the PALISI community. Topics will include

developing your research career, cultivating mentorship and collaborations, strategies for your

professional success, and more!

Questions? Contact:



The PALISI meeting planning group is hard at work securing a venue for our fall 2024 meeting and

beyond. We hope to have dates for September 2024 PALISI out in the next 2 weeks.



Don’t forget to follow us on X/(formerly Twitter) @PALISINet

Do you have any information that you would like to share in the monthly digest? Make sure to submit it

to Ann-Marie Brown by the 1st day of the month at (Direct Email: This is also the place for questions for the Executive Committee or

administrative team anytime!

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