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PALISI Approved Survey: SURE PICU


Success Factors to Research Enrollment in the PICU

The SURE PICU team is a group of research coordinators and PIs in PALISI who are interested in understanding how institutional resources and team dynamics impact PICU research consent rates. We have developed a PALISI Site Profile Survey to better understand current site demographics such as 1) Size & acuity of your hospital/ICU, 2) Who is on your research team, and 3) What are the current team dynamics (who screens/enrolls, weekend, evening, holiday coverage, etc).


Information related to participation in the SURE PICU PALISI Site Profile Survey


WHO: Ideally, we would like the research team to meet together to complete this survey.  This might include the PI(s), research manager, research coordinator(s), etc. Site data (number of PICU beds, census, etc) can be designated to one person as appropriate. If your site has no research support staff, the PI should complete the survey.


TIME COMMITMENT: We anticipate that a 30-minute team meeting will be sufficient for gathering the information related to how your team cooperates and functions as a research group. For research teams of 1-3 people this may be all the time that is required to complete the survey.  For larger teams, additional time may be needed to facilitate collecting team member profiles and hospital/ICU details, however these items can be assigned to an individual team member.

*While there is no requirement for all team members to be present at this meeting, broad representation of personnel will be helpful for completing some of the questions


ANONYMITY: The survey will ask for institution name, but these names will not be published or shared. 


DEADLINE: We would greatly appreciate if you could complete the SURE PICU PALISI Site Profile Survey within 30 days of receiving the survey link which will only be sent if you indicate your interest by filling out the Interest Survey below.


A 2-question Interest Survey has been created to allow you to indicate your interest in completing the full SURE PICU PALISI Site Profile Survey.  Once you indicate your interest by completing the Interest Survey in the link below, we will work directly with your site contact to send the full site PICU PALISI Site Profile Survey.

We would love to have representation from as many PALISI sites as possible!


If you have questions prior to agreeing to participate, please contact Josey Hensley:


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