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PALISI Approved Survey: Childhood Obesity

Dear PALISI Investigators,

Please review and complete the survey below.

PALISI Network


Dear Colleagues,

Childhood obesity is a public health crisis! Subsequently, we are seeing increasing numbers of overweight/obese patients in our PICUs. Currently, no guidelines or best practice statements exist for obtaining anthropometry measurements, the frequency for obtaining these measurements, the best measures to use, or how to use these measurements once obtained for care delivery, particularly in the overweight/obese population.

You are invited to participate in a research survey study entitled:

PICU Overweight/Obese Anthropometry Measurements (POTATOES)

The survey aims to examine current practices within and across PICUs in obtaining anthropometric measurements, particularly in the overweight/obese pediatric patient, and how these measurements impact the approach to nutrition care and fluid management. The survey was reviewed and given exempt status by the IRB at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (IRB 21-019536).

We invite clinicians including physicians (attendings [or equivalent], trainees [fellows, ICU residents]), Advanced Practice Nurse/Advance Practice Provider (Senior Nurse, Master Nurse, Physician Assistants), registered nurses, registered dietitians, and pharmacists to participate. More than one clinician within a unit or institution may complete the survey. However, we are soliciting responses from clinicians who regularly care for critically ill, ICU level pediatric patients or those patients in related stepdown or intermediate care units (e.g. PICU, CICU or related care environments). In addition, we welcome participation from international clinicians.

Participation is voluntary and anonymous. Should you choose to participate, there is a short consent statement preceding the start of the survey. Your completion of the REDCap survey implies consent to participate in this research.

This link will take you to the survey Please allow approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. There is no direct benefit to you for participation in this study. However, there is an indirect benefit in that survey responses in aggregate may serve as a precursor for developing guidelines or best practices related to PICU procedures for obtaining anthropometry measurements in the PICU patient.

Survey responses are anonymous, there are no specific identifiers in the survey. No individual identifying information including IP address is being requested or collected. Therefore, no survey responses can be associated with any individual.

Should you have any questions or want additional information, please contact the Principal Investigator, Sharon Irving, PhD, CRNP, at, 215.430.3474; or Donna Rooney, Sr. Data Research Nurse Coordinator,, 215.803.1940.

On behalf of the research team, thank you for your time and your participation.

Sharon Y. Irving, PhD, CRNP, FCCM, FAAN, FASPEN

Nursing and Clinical Care Services - Clinical Nurse Scientist, Critical Care Center for Evidence and Outcomes (CCCEO)

NP, Critical Care

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Associate Professor

University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

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