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Research Coordinators Mentorship/Engagement

Dear PALISI Members,

The PALISI Coordinators network is piloting a new Mentorship program in April 2023. If you or a coordinator at your site is interested in being a mentor or a mentee, sign up at More information is on the graphic below.

The Coordinators Network is also investigating coordinator engagement and retention. In support of this effort, all coordinators and PIs are asked to complete the survey on barriers to in-person attendance at the following link:;!!NiUAmZJ8c1GNWg!UDLwb3ssFsqSnfg4OgBDs4koMxVDA-VPil1-QLtE57bo82jJK17wbE1wJPQbNadmNQ20LvkaQDn8-m55HrjPb-rExuAN$

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