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PALISI October 2024 Newsletter

In this Issue:

• Membership Transition to Morweb

• PALISI Spring 2025 Meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico

• Survey to Assess Interest in Participating in Proposed Studies

• HSCT Not meeting Spring 2025 Meeting

• PEDAL Subgroup Update

• Pathway to Independence SIG Update

• Announcing the 2024 Pediatric Sepsis Data Challenge!

• General PALISI communication information


Membership Transition to Morweb

Membership and registration transition to Morweb: We know the transition to the Morweb payment system has been effective but still with some hurdles. We appreciate your patience. Despite this transition, once again, over 40 attendees arrived to the Fall meeting without appropriate pre-meeting registration. Although we can quickly accommodate on-site attendees, it is always best for conference room capacity and food/beverage estimation for registrations to be in advance. Please email if there are remaining issues with site membership and conference registration issues.



PALISI Spring 2025 Meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico


Mark your calendars!! Our Spring 2025 meeting will be held March 31 – April 3 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Be sure to plan ahead and get your team set up on our new MorWeb system and register whether attending online or in person.  Preliminary information can be found at 

If you need assistance with any spring meeting planning, please contact us at 


Survey to Assess Interest in Participating in Proposed Studies

Six studies were presented at the fall PALISI meeting and each is seeking sites for their multicenter proposals. Several folks raised their hands while in the room or in the feedback survey, but not all expressions of interest were accompanied by identifying data. To give everyone the chance to express interest on behalf of your site, whether you heard the full presentations or not, please take 60 seconds to fill out this survey and identify any and all studies where your site might be willing to participate. Your contact information will be forwarded to the study leads and they will reach out to you with more information.



HSCT Not Meeting Onsite at Spring 2025 PALISI

The Hematopoetic Stem Cell Transplant Subgroup will NOT have an in-person meeting during the Spring 2025 PALISI meeting,due to conflicts with another SCT meeting. Please watch for communication from the HSCT leadership for an upcoming virtual meeting. Contact Courtney Rowan with any questions.


PEDAL Subgroup Update

PEDAL's mission is to connect members of the pediatric critical care medicine community to gain insights and improve care through data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and informatics. A selection of recent and current projects from our subgroup include: 

PICU Data Collaborative – The PICU Data Collaborative comprises 19 institutions from across the United States who contribute anonymized pediatric critical care electronic health record data to a shared data platform which resides in a private cloud-computing environment hosted by the Laura P. and Leland K. Whittier Virtual Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (VPICU) at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Members of the PICU Data Collaborative meet routinely outside of PALISI meetings. Our spring meeting was hosted by Children's Hospital Colorado

- Difficult and Critical Airway Practices in Children – This joint project between the NEAR4KIDS subgroup and PEDAL aims to understand the definitions of critical and difficult airway across institutions, as well as understand the composition of airway response teams. Additionally we aim to classify and assess the usability of the electronic health record identification of patients at risk of critical or difficult airway.

- Use of Supervised Machine Learning Applications in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Research  – This scoping review is the product of the work of 23 members of the PEDAL subgroup, and was published in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine in April 2024. We identified published applications, methodologies, and implementation frequency to inform best practices for the development, validation, and reporting of predictive models in pediatric critical care.

- "Critical Coding" Workshop – This educational session, spearheaded by Jonathan Pelletier (Akron Children's), was presented at the Fall 2024 PALISI meeting as a potential workshop. Small groups of participants will be paired with a session leader to work through a series of coding exercises in R using synthetic healthcare data. We hope to offer it to the PALISI community at the Fall 2025 PALISI meeting in Montreal!

- Off-Cycle Sessions – PEDAL typically hosts two "off-cycle" virtual meetings per year with invited speakers from across the United States. Recent topics have included "Decision Support Tools in Research and Clinical Care" (summer 2024) and "Integration of Streaming Physiologic Data to Research and Clinical Care" (winter 2024).  

We are always looking to highlight junior investigators and works-in-progress at our subgroup meetings. If you or a mentee would be interested in sharing your work, or would just like to be added to our listserv, please reach out via email at or via the PALISI website!


Pathways to Independence SIG Update

The Pathways to Independence SIG is officially 1 year old! Our goal is to provide a structured forum for mentorship and collaboration among PALISI investigators targeting a first independent research award. We’ve grown to over 30 members, with a great mix of investigators who are targeting a first R01 and investigators who have recently received their first R01. We’ve held in-person discussion-based sessions at the past 3 PALISI meetings and had several successful off-cycle specific aims reviews. At the Fall 2024 PALISI meeting, we had a great discussion on transitioning from mentee to mentor over cocktails and golf!  

We’re also currently conducting a study through our SIG to identify factors associated with successful transition to independence for PCCM career development award recipients. We identified 122 PCCM K award recipients in the past 10 years (6% of all PCCM graduates) and are surveying them about topics such as their institutional environment, protected time, mentorship, promotion, and compensation. We’re also sending similar surveys to directors of PCCM divisions with recent K award recipients to get their perspective on topics such as work hours and compensation. Stay tuned for results!

Our next off-cycle event will be a Specific Aims review, be on the lookout for details in the coming months. If you’d like to be added to our listserv, contact Anoop Bhalla (, Erin Carlton (, or Liz Killien (


Announcing the 2024 Pediatric Sepsis Data Challenge!

Are you ready to sharpen your data science skills while tackling a critical global health issue? On behalf of the Institute for Global Health, the Pediatric Sepsis Data CoLaboratory (Sepsis CoLab), the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies (WFPICCS), and Duke University, we’re excited to announce that the 2024 Pediatric Sepsis Data Challenge is now open for registration!


What is the challenge?

Participants are tasked with developing an open-source algorithm to predict in-hospital mortality in children using a unique, synthetically generated dataset based on real clinical data.


Who can participate?

Whether you’re new to data science or a seasoned expert, we encourage everyone to join—students, faculty, and professionals from nonprofit, academic, government, and industry sectors are all welcome. Form a team of 2-5 members or connect with others on our discussion board to collaborate, learn, and contribute to life-saving innovations in pediatric care!


How do I sign up?


Only one representative from each team needs to complete the application form. The challenge will officially launch on November 4th, 2024, and all teams will need to be registered by December 11th, 2024.


Looking for teammates? Solo participants can connect with others on the 2024 Pediatric Sepsis Data Challenge discussion board. Just request access and collaborate!


Q&A Webinar & Networking Session

Join challenge organizers Mark Ansermino and Rishi Kamaleswaran on Monday, October 21st at 9:00 AM PDT for a challenge Q&A webinar. In this hour-long session, the hosts will address your questions and delve deeper into the challenge details including the data, the challenge problem, and evaluation criteria. Participants are encouraged to submit questions to ahead of this event.  


After the session, there will be a virtual networking event at 10:00 AM PDT for those looking to connect with potential teammates. Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate and meet others in the challenge community!


Please RSVP for the event here to receive a zoom link.


Questions? Email Charly Huxford (


General PALISI Communication Reminders

Note – as the PALISI admin team is focused on getting our new member services platform and accounting platforms up and running, the website updates may be delayed. Please contact us with any questions.

Don’t forget to follow us on X/(formerly Twitter) @PALISINet

Do you have any information that you would like to share in the monthly digest? Make sure to submit it to Ann-Marie Brown by the 1st day of the month at . (Direct Email: This is also the place for questions for the Executive Committee or administrative team anytime!

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